Traditions of Gratitude

When I was a kid we went to camp.  We had family-style meals—breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Most of the time before each meal we sang a round—“For health and strength and daily bread, I give thanks…”  The harmonies of that round still resonate in my mind.  I was thinking about the importance of the “attitude of gratitude” and this round came to mind.  It seems that it is easier to be thankful for the “big” things—a new car, an extended vacation, the house of your dreams…and much more likely to take the basics as a given, almost an entitlement.  Yet we know there are people hungry, without a home, and simply trying to survive for one more day.  While we would like to think these conditions only exist “somewhere else” the fact is they exist right here in our communities.  Many of the people who are experiencing these condition are children—too young to change the circumstances in which they live.

Many of these children find their way to afterschool programs where they find a safe place, a snack, and caring adults.  At Entrusted Legacy we are thankful for these youth workers and are dedicated to supporting the work they do as positive role models and mentors for all children and youth they serve.

If you would like to support the work of these amazing youth workers, please check us out at

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