Most Remarkable People
Have you ever considered who is a remarkable person? One interesting way to think about “remarkable” people is to consider who you would most want to have dinner with, or share a cab ride with, or simply interview. Some folks have picked J. K. Rowling author of the Harry Potter series. Others have selected one of the Presidents of the United States. Others still have select Albert Einstein. We imagine the list could go one and on.
Another way to look at this was explored by Mitch Albom in his book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The character of his story does not believe his life had much purpose or value. Yet as he travels through heaven he meets 5 different people who help him to see his life differently, and although he probably wouldn’t call it remarkable, he does see that he has made a difference.
For me, some of the most remarkable people I know are the everyday heroes who show up and choose to be present for other people’s children—youth workers who act as role models and mentors every day for any number of children and youth. These champions work tirelessly to teach, inspire, and nurture the young people they come in contact with. At Entrusted Legacy we are here to help and support these positive role models and mentors. Will you join us?
If you can work with youth directly, wonderful. Contact your local youth-serving agency and volunteer. If not, support those who do work with y outh my donating to ensure they will receive the training they need. Go to “Give Now” at