A Chain of Giving

It is amazing what happens when youth get on board with an attitude of giving.  Given the opportunity, young people who seem self-centered and egocentric are remarkably giving and have a depth of empathy which can surprise you.  One interesting project I’ve heard about was a fundraiser to ensure a Happy Holiday for children experiencing homelessness.  This is how the project developed.

Two middle schools, approximately a mile apart, decided to join efforts to support this happy holiday project:  A Chain of Giving.  The leadership teams from each school got together via Skype and determined they would make a paper chain which could stretch between the two schools and connect them in this effort.  They decided they would “sell” the individual pieces of the chain for 5¢, 10¢ or 25¢.  Red pieces of chain (construction paper) could be purchased for a nickel, black for a dime, and green for a quarter.  They also decided they would take donations of “gifts” as well.  Doing the math based on each piece of the chain representing approximately 6 inches, and knowing a mile (the approximate distance between their two schools was 5,280 feet) they would need to “sell” 10,560 pieces of chain.  If all of the links were sold for a nickel, they would raise $528.00.  If all of the links were sold for a quarter they could raise five times as much, $2,640.00.  So they decided to set a goal of $1,000.00.

The group went to work, made posters and impassioned appeals, cut strips of paper (almost 900 pieces of construction paper cut in strips 1” x 18” in length), got the entire school on board, and actually exceeded their financial goal by over $500.00.

The point of the project is this—everyone can make a difference if you are willing to put your thinking into action.  So, the question is this:  What will you do to pay if forward to someone else?

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