Support Anti-Bullying Through Positive Role Models

Bullying appears to be more prevalent now than ever before.  There could be a number of reasons for this.  Surely part of it is that it is more reported than in the past.  When I was a child and other youth bullied, it was passed over with comments like, “Boys will be boys” or “You know how girls are.”  Today we have a better understanding of how harmful incessant teasing, harassment, and intimidation are to youth during their formative years, so we have taken a more active stance against bullying behavior and report it more frequently.

Perhaps another reason we are seeing more bullying is that the media continuously emphasizes violence, getting your way at any cost, and saying and doing things that are unkind and unwarranted.  Think about such popular movies as “Mean Girls” and “My Bodyguard” which show how unpleasant and cruel the world is for youth, and yet, the fact that the content of these films is on the big screen and popular actors are playing the parts of bullies, victims, and onlookers, the notion of bullying can be romanticized.

There are other factors at play as well:  overcrowding, single-parent families, parents working 3-5 jobs just to make ends meet, a school system that no longer meets the needs of its students, and the list could go on and on.  The question for me is, “What is the antidote? and “What can be done to change this increase in bullying behavior?”  I believe that the answer can partially be found in well-trained role models and mentors.  Young adults as well as older folks, coming together and demonstrating, day in and day out, the importance of relationship building, acknowledging the good work of others, and communicating in a preventative way to ensure that conflicts are resolved before they grow legs and become bullying—is a great start to breaking down acts of bullying.

Entrusted Legacy is committed to supporting the growth and development of positive role models and mentors.  Join with us and lift up your voice.  Together, we can!  Contact us at or donate by going to

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